Is this good news or bad? The TV show COPS is returning to Washington.

The Spokane County Commission has approved a request from the Sheriff’s Office on Tuesday, and filming is set to start in July. While a couple of commissioners voiced concerns, they ultimately voted to go along, and the measure was passed unanimously.

In 2018, the Spokane City Council discussed banning the TV show from city limits. Some council members were concerned that the city isn’t always shown in a positive light. Sheriff John Nowels says COPS is a way to showcase the professionalism of the county’s deputies.

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Spokane law enforcement has a 20-year history with the COPS TV show.

Commissioners were assured that no one appears on the TV show without giving consent. Deputies must also agree to be involved with the show. No footage airs without the consent of everyone involved in the filming of an incident.

The county won’t take on any additional liability. And, there is no money involved. The show doesn’t pay to film in Spokane, nor does the county pay anything to the production company.

Filming with the COPS TV show in Spokane begins on July 16th.

They’ll be recording incidents in the city for 8 weeks. That’s your warning. If you’re in Spokane from July 16th into September, you’d better be on your best behavior. You never know when COPS may roll up with cameras.

Honestly, I’ll be watching for the Spokane footage. Can’t wait? Watch an earlier Spokane episode below.

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